Is JAVA Platform Independent Language? YES JAVA is Platform Independent language What do you mean by platform Independent Language? Language which supported by all operating systems. Machine understands only machine c…
Is JAVA Platform Independent Language? YES JAVA is Platform Independent language What do you mean by platform Independent Language? Language which supported by all operating systems. Machine understands only machine c…
Once a database is created perform operations as Connect, Create Table, Insert Records into table, Update Records in Table, Delete Records, Delete Table and also database in java. CODE: Click Here
Write a PHP program to create MySQL database and table; insert, retrieve data from table. Update student record based on enrollment number of the student. (enter number from textbox). Delete student record based on enrollmen…
Write a PHP program to enter registration detail for student and display it into table format to the next page. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folde…
Write PHP and HTML page to get the reverse of entered string in textbox when button is clicked. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder . You will fi…
Write a PHP program to print fibonacci series (0 1 1 2 3 5 8...). CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder. You will find htdoc folder in Xampp folder.…
Write a PHP program to find whether entered year is leap year or not. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder. You will find htdoc folder in Xampp fol…
Write a PHP program to make the sum of first 100 odd numbers. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder. You will find htdoc folder in Xampp folder.
Write a PHP program to find largest numbers among three numbers. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder. You will find htdoc folder in Xampp folder.…
Write a PHP program to check whether given number is odd or even. CODE: Click Here NOTE: To run any PHP program you have to install Xampp. Please put your code in htdoc folder. You will find htdoc folder in Xampp folder.…