JDBC PROGRAMMING Create a database and use Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement. How to create database? open teminal [here i am using ubuntu & Mysql server] Write mysql -u root -p Now create database …
JDBC PROGRAMMING Create a database and use Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement. How to create database? open teminal [here i am using ubuntu & Mysql server] Write mysql -u root -p Now create database …
GTU Practical No 11 Write a C# code to Perform Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion and Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion. Code: Click Here
GTU Practical No: 10 Write a C# code to Convert following currency conversion. Rupees to dollar, frank, euro. Code: Click Here
GTU Practical No: 9 Write a C# code to convert digits to words. Code: Click Here
GTU Practical No: 8 Write C# code to convert infix notation to postfix notation. Code: Click Here
GTU Practical No: 6 Write C# code to do the following - Convert binary to decimal - Convert decimal to hexadecimal - Convert decimal to binary - Convert decimal to octal Convert binary to decimal Code: Click Here …
GTU Practical No: 5 Write C# code to display the asterisk pattern as shown below: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** CODE: Click Here OUTPUT: ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
GTU Practical No: 6 Write C# code to prompt a user to input his/her name and country name and then the output will be shown as an example below: CODE: Click Here OUTPUT: Hello Ram from country India!
Write HTML code for given frames Here first we have to create 4 frames Frame 1, Frame 2, Frame 3, Frame 4. Which are .html files. NOTE: Please save all frames in one folder. Code for Frameset: Click Here
Implement TCP Server for transferring files using Socket & ServerSocket. Server : Output: Link for Code: Click Here Alternative Link: Click Here Client : Output: Link for Code: Click Here Alternativ…
EXAMPLE OF HTML FORM: Link For Code: Click Here
Create a chat application using TCP or UDP. Here we are making simple chat application using “Socket” Programming. Server: OUTPUT: CODE FOR Server Program: Click Here Alternative Link: Click Here Client: OUTPUT…
Write a program to enter a URL and check its expiration date. In this JAVA program we learn how we can find the expiration time of any specific website. CODE: Link for the code: Click Here Alternative Link: Click…